We are no longer collecting submissions for our 2020 issue.
Send us your creative works to be considered for publication in our next issue!
To submit to Penguin Review please send an email addressed to our editors during the submission period, with your work as an attachment and a short cover letter that includes your name, third person bio, and the titles and genres of the pieces you are submitting. Our email address is [email protected]
We accept fiction (short stories and flash fiction), creative nonfiction, screenplays, poetry, and artwork, but no pieces that have been published previously.
We will be contacting you by email on the status of your submissions shortly after our submission period is over and we have made our selections. Therefore, it is not necessary to include additional contact information. If you would like your name to appear as something other than your real name, please make this clear when submitting, but we would also like your real name to confirm that you are an undergraduate student enrolled at YSU.
Failure to follow any of the guidelines above or below for any submissions may result in your submission being disqualified.
All submissions we accept are subject to editing to prepare them for the edition. You will be consulted on these edits before we change anything. But please know that not accepting our edits may result in our inability to publish the piece.
Short story submissions can be of any genre but must not exceed 2,500 words. You may submit up to 3 stories.
Flash Fiction submissions must not exceed 1,500 words
Attach a word document (one document for each submission) to the email with your work contained inside.
For the benefit of our eyes, please keep submissions in 12 pt, Times New Roman font and should be double spaced. Because your work will be edited for the edition later, do not worry about fancy arrangements and unusual formatting.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and ODF formats.
Poetry submissions can be of any form. Please send no more than 5 poems. We are unlikely to publish more than 5 pages of poetry.
Attach your poems as separate word documents (one poem per document) to the email.
Poetry should be formatted as 12 pt, Times New Roman font. Spacing and positioning matters only if it is important to you and the structure of the poem. Most poems will be formatted in our edition as they appear in your submission. We prefer these submissions to be all in one document.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and PDF formats.
Screenplay submissions can be of any genre and should be in standard screenplay format.
Submissions may not exceed 15 pages.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and PDF formats.
Creative Nonfiction
Nonfiction submissions can be of any genre but must not exceed 2,500 words. You may submit up to 3 stories.
Attach a word document (one document for each submission) to the email with your work contained inside.
For the benefit of our eyes, please keep submissions in 12 pt, Times New Roman font and should be double spaced. Because your work will be edited for the edition later, do not worry about fancy arrangements and unusual formatting.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and PDF formats.
We accept up to 5 pieces of artwork.
Please attach your artwork as JPEG, GIF, PNG, or PDF files to an email.
Resolution is important to accepting work for the edition and printing it later on. Please make sure all images are at least 1,000 KB in size, at least 5.5in by 8.5in and clear in resolution, or are taken with a resolution of 8MB or more.
We may not be able to publish other images that are of lesser digital quality.
(As a side note, Instagram pictures can be lovely, but they often do not translate well to print. So please send us original photos.)
Cover Art
All artwork we receive is considered for cover art in the event that no cover art is submitted and accepted. If you have an idea for a cover, please feel free to send it to us for consideration! We are always in need of cover art! The rules of cover art submission are the same as artwork submission. But please remember that resolution is of absolute importance with cover art.
To submit to Penguin Review please send an email addressed to our editors during the submission period, with your work as an attachment and a short cover letter that includes your name, third person bio, and the titles and genres of the pieces you are submitting. Our email address is [email protected]
We accept fiction (short stories and flash fiction), creative nonfiction, screenplays, poetry, and artwork, but no pieces that have been published previously.
We will be contacting you by email on the status of your submissions shortly after our submission period is over and we have made our selections. Therefore, it is not necessary to include additional contact information. If you would like your name to appear as something other than your real name, please make this clear when submitting, but we would also like your real name to confirm that you are an undergraduate student enrolled at YSU.
Failure to follow any of the guidelines above or below for any submissions may result in your submission being disqualified.
All submissions we accept are subject to editing to prepare them for the edition. You will be consulted on these edits before we change anything. But please know that not accepting our edits may result in our inability to publish the piece.
Short story submissions can be of any genre but must not exceed 2,500 words. You may submit up to 3 stories.
Flash Fiction submissions must not exceed 1,500 words
Attach a word document (one document for each submission) to the email with your work contained inside.
For the benefit of our eyes, please keep submissions in 12 pt, Times New Roman font and should be double spaced. Because your work will be edited for the edition later, do not worry about fancy arrangements and unusual formatting.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and ODF formats.
Poetry submissions can be of any form. Please send no more than 5 poems. We are unlikely to publish more than 5 pages of poetry.
Attach your poems as separate word documents (one poem per document) to the email.
Poetry should be formatted as 12 pt, Times New Roman font. Spacing and positioning matters only if it is important to you and the structure of the poem. Most poems will be formatted in our edition as they appear in your submission. We prefer these submissions to be all in one document.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and PDF formats.
Screenplay submissions can be of any genre and should be in standard screenplay format.
Submissions may not exceed 15 pages.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and PDF formats.
Creative Nonfiction
Nonfiction submissions can be of any genre but must not exceed 2,500 words. You may submit up to 3 stories.
Attach a word document (one document for each submission) to the email with your work contained inside.
For the benefit of our eyes, please keep submissions in 12 pt, Times New Roman font and should be double spaced. Because your work will be edited for the edition later, do not worry about fancy arrangements and unusual formatting.
We accept DOC, DOCX, and PDF formats.
We accept up to 5 pieces of artwork.
Please attach your artwork as JPEG, GIF, PNG, or PDF files to an email.
Resolution is important to accepting work for the edition and printing it later on. Please make sure all images are at least 1,000 KB in size, at least 5.5in by 8.5in and clear in resolution, or are taken with a resolution of 8MB or more.
We may not be able to publish other images that are of lesser digital quality.
(As a side note, Instagram pictures can be lovely, but they often do not translate well to print. So please send us original photos.)
Cover Art
All artwork we receive is considered for cover art in the event that no cover art is submitted and accepted. If you have an idea for a cover, please feel free to send it to us for consideration! We are always in need of cover art! The rules of cover art submission are the same as artwork submission. But please remember that resolution is of absolute importance with cover art.